Navigator Borger Express, LLC is an affiliate of Navigator Energy Services (Navigator). Founded in 2012, Navigator has a long and successful track record as a world class midstream operator. The largest private crude oil midstream provider in the Anadarko Basin, Navigator owns and operates approximately 500 miles of crude pipeline, over 1 million barrels of storage capacity, and has a delivery capacity of 450,000 barrels per day.

Navigator has strong ties to the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. Its existing pipeline system, Glass Mountain Pipeline, transports a significant amount of crude oil produced in the same area where the Borger Express Pipeline is being planned, benefitting local royalty owners and their communities.
To-date, Navigator has made a total investment in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle region of approximately $600 million through the acquisition and expansion of midstream infrastructure vital to serving America’s energy needs. For more information on Navigator, please visit www.nesmidstream.com.